Tangle Tamer - How to Manage Your Knotty Hair!

Tangle Tamer - How to Manage Your Knotty Hair! - AOB Products

Do you spend WAY too much time trying to untangle your hair after washing? Well here at AOB Products we have a little Miracle for you! It's your Ultimate Tangle Tamer Guide – a few simple tools and tips that will help you manage your tangled hair like a pro. Whether it's long or short hair, curly or straight, thick or fine, these tips will help you keep your hair knot-free and easy to manage. 


Introducing - The Tangle Tamer Duo!

  1. AOB Miracle Spray:  After washing your hair, gently pat it dry with a towel to soak up some of the heavy water. Then spritz your hair 4 to 6 times with our Miracle Spray. It untangles in seconds and helps minimize the damage caused by brushing out tangled hair. For hair that is extremely tangled, feel free to use some extra product. As a bonus, our Miracle Instant Detangler Spray also protects your hair up to an astonishing 420°F if using your hot tools!

  2. AOB Bamboo Brush: When it comes to taming tangles, the type of brush you use is crucial. Our AOB Environmentally friendly Moso Bamboo hair brush has natural wooden bristles that are durable, but kind to your hair and scalp. Also, its wide bristles are less likely to break the hair when brushing through and produce much less static compared to synthetic brushes and combs.

Top Tips!

  1. Start at the ends of your hair and work your way up, gently combing through any knots or tangles as you go.

  2. Work in small sections: Trying to tackle your entire head of hair at once can be overwhelming, so it's important to work in small sections. Divide your hair into manageable sections.

  3. Consider a silk pillowcase: Believe it or not, the type of pillowcase you use can have a big impact on your hair. Silk pillowcases are gentler on your hair than cotton, which can cause friction and lead to tangles. By switching to a silk pillowcase, you can help to prevent tangles while you sleep.

Bonus Tip: Our clients LOVE using The Tangle Tamer Duo Miracle Spray and the Bamboo Brush on their kid's hair too - they say it "makes hair life a little easier for the kids and for me!"


With these simple tips, you can say goodbye to knotty hair and hello to silky-smooth locks!

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